Posts Tagged fulfillment

Where Are You Now?

Where Are You Now?

And I don’t mean outdoors relaxing on a park bench, or  at Starbucks nursing your morning latte, or “I’m sitting here reading this [duh]”. But, where do you see yourself in your life at this moment in time?

Ask Yourself…

Am I living the life I want?

Am I living where I want and with whom I want?

Am I happy in my work? Is my job fulfilling?

Have my dreams come true?

Theses questions are reflective and measure the extent of satisfaction, happiness, contentment, excitement [or whatever description resonates with you] that you feel for how you are living your life.

Your answer may be that you feel completely fulfilled. Whatever happens to you from now on is “icing on the cake”. That’s wonderful and I am truly happy for you! You get it and you got it!

Or you may feel that things are okay, but you would like to make some changes or start planning to accomplish some of your unfinished goals. Perhaps your dreams include taking parachuting or deep-sea-diving lessons, singing at your daughter’s wedding, making the move to an oceanside cottage or going back to school to become what you never thought or dared you could be.

But if you are feeling like, Holy Crap! How did I get here?, then you may have to go all the way down to the bottom of the reflecting pool to find some answers. That is where you’ll find values that are not being honoured in your life. Look for values that are important to you. They may include love, family, respect, laughter, integrety, honesty, peace and quiet, health and self-care [create your own list]. Where are your values not showing up in your life?  Ask yourself, “What is it that I really want?” and look for ways to bring  those values back. If it matters to you, then it’s important.

Wherever you are right now, is where you are. There are no mistakes, no wrong turns, no judgements. You are just where you need to be to take your next step.

So my question to you  now is “Where do you want to go?”

Image by Roman Skrada

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